Updated 2018.03.24.
page 1

General Morphology

(Morphological Methodology

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To guide Creative thinking processes for both individual and team work.
To create integral systems which are free from serious errors and to avoid disasters produced by faulty reasoning as far as possible.
The use of principles and methosa of creative thinking as they have emerged during the course of the human evolution and the development of natural sciences. This development is now proceeding at an accelerated pace.
Accordingly we speak of Morphological Principles and Methods.
To pursue prospective innovation as an aid in safeguarding and expanding our existence.
Courses, seminars, self tuition, participation in Creative Commando Actions under morphological guidance.

Morphological Methodology

Explaining General Morphology

Read the page explaining the logo of Morphological Methodology.
The five items form an integrated know-how system which characterizes the Morphological System as a whole. The problem-solver who marshalls his creative intelligence on morphological lines is distinguished in each of the five domains by a methodologically sound procedure which does not impede but rather accelerates the creative process: A growth of the individual as a whole instead of mental impoverishment as an isolated specialist.
Next: Morphological Methodology (The Logo explained)
star Revisit: General Morphology ¦ M. Methodology ¦ Competence ¦ Errors ¦ Intuition ¦ Example: Tables
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