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General Morphology

Morphological Methodology
Morphological Table
Advanced Table Applications / Examples

evaluation diagram
A morphological table typically consist of a number of squares or rectangles. These are ordered in 2 dimensions and called fields. Fields are filled with characteristic data or progressive scales. The field rows and columns have headings, for example field (row / column) name = SOLID MATERIALS. DATA field content example: = wood, metal, ice, etc.
 Characteristics SOLID POROUS
 ORGANIC  Hard wood  Bamboo
 ANORGANIC  Stone  Coral
The diagram above uses the scale approach. A scale can be unipolar progressive or it can run from a centre point with 0 value into 2 dimensions, linear or in other form. Or as above example shows with arbitrary lines of separation in the shape of curves. The actual field borders of the values in the internal squaresare suppressed to enhance clarity of the information.
The example below LEADER OR TYRANT uses the center point as polarity switch.

Morphological Methodology - Advanced Tables

leader manager
____ Next: Morphological Methodology (The Logo explained)
star Revisit: General Morphology ¦ M. Methodology ¦ Competence ¦ Errors ¦ Intuition ¦ Example: Tables
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